The Australian visitor who was arrested did have a camera and was seen taking photographs of the military headquarters.
Two Australian visitors had the best score in New York City.
Zambia's minister of tourism then expressed a wish to bungee-jump with the young Australian visitor and urged her to return to Livingstone and try again.
An Australian visitor was seized and severely beaten this month on suspicion of having photographed a military installation.
An Australian visitor was surprised at the number of people still smoking in Britain and the areas where smoking is allowed.
The few Australian visitors to the Maldives makes this an expensive flight.
After the service Australian visitors congregate at the memorial to remember all their countrymen who fought and died at Gallipoli.
English immigrants in Australia found themselves shunned and persecuted by locals, and Australian visitors to England were treated similarly.
Mr. Cunningham, the embassy spokesman, marveled in a telephone interview at his encounter two months ago with a group of American, British and Australian visitors.
He also presents the colorful exploits of Australian visitors, who fit into the boomtown atmosphere and would later have their own gold fever back home.