Like many Australian natives it can withstand bushfire in the wild.
Like so many Australian natives, it faces a deteriorating population due to a loss of habitat and competition from other species.
It is known to feed on 123 dicotyledonous plant species, including 22 Australian natives, belonging to 55 different families.
He left home in 1887 to sell real estate and soon became active in the Australian Natives' Association.
Mr. Biggs, an Australian native who lives in London, knows this well.
The genetic divergence between modern humans is widest between Australian natives and the rest of the population.
He became active in the Australian Natives' Association and began to practise vegetarianism.
While at Rockhampton in 1900 he joined the Australian Natives' Association and became its local president.
They thought the spearing was a matter of ignorant Australian natives misunderstanding Phillip's peaceful intentions.
He joined the Melbourne branch of the Australian Natives' Association, hoping to gain members.