Before Europeans arrived 200 of the 600-700 Australian Aboriginal nations lived in Queensland with at least 90 language groups.
British Malaya quickly collapsed, shocking the Australian nation.
The small Australian nation was deeply affected.
Drawing on his travels and such writers over a span of decades, Dusty chronicled the story of a rapidly changing postwar Australian nation.
The attack, and O'Shane's struggle to survive, captivated the Australian nation, as millions followed his plight in the Australian media.
On January 1, 1901 the Australian nation emerged as a federation.
"This is a significant day for the Australian nation, not just for today but for the generations to come."
After a voting process, the Convention proposed that a Bi-partisan appointment republican model to be put to a referendum of the Australian nation in 1999.
We are up against a most formidable package in the Australian nation.
Kevin Rudd is quoting as saying "You have the strength of the Australian nation behind you", encouraging teenagers to feel comfortable in their own identity.