Sutcliffe said he had some initial difficulty in adjusting to Australian conditions, specifically the strong light which affected his timing.
Although he was unsuccessful (the idea was poo-pooed as unsuitable for "Australian conditions"), many years later this became standard practice.
"If necessary we will rewrite the play to fit Australian conditions," said Milestone.
These convicts brought songs with them which were rapidly adapted to Australian conditions.
They aim was to produce high quality grapes suited for Australian conditions.
As I said, there is a world of difference between English and Australian conditions.
The farm continues its research into improving farming and farm practices under Western Australian conditions.
This was to see how wheeled vehicles would handle Australian conditions and what modifications would need to be made.
Considerable improvements to the breed have been undertaken since to suit them better to Australian conditions.
It was built to Australian conditions to prevent against not only rodents but wombats, christmas tree roots and erosion from black soil.