With many chapters of clubs around the world, the has a membership with a considerable number of uniquely Australian cars.
Wrapped up in the prime considerations of economics and adaptability was an intense dedication to the idea that this should be purely an Australian car.
The event attracted a crowd estimated at 35,000 and was won by Warwick Pratley driving an Australian developed car.
But Mr. Lutz said such issues could be an advantage for importing Australian cars.
This was typical of many European cars of the time but uncommon in Australian cars.
Thenceforth, the Australian cars became quite distinctive from their siblings.
For Australian cars same ignition maps resulting same horsepower rating as in other markets.
Hence they decided to make Falcon their new Australian car.
From here, Holden continued to pursue the goal of producing an Australian car.
Australian cars were already duty-free under the Closer Economic Relations agreement.