This led to at least one shipped boxset to be searched by Australian customs.
Australian customs also actively seeks and seizes books imported by individuals.
"I've known it only as an Australian custom."
If not, I'd just have to have a quick dump in the hall and explain it was an old Australian custom.
My husband is another Australian custom," said Gertrude, "and we won't have it any other way.
This was the peak time of an Australian custom known as the six o'clock swill, where venues were forced to stop serving alcohol at 6pm.
This resulted in the Australian customs, in effect, ceasing to take a moral view on the content of printed matter entering the country.
Wilkinson was nicknamed "Bluey" because of his red hair (an Australian custom).
Australian customs refer to the automatic knife or switchblade as a flick knife.
Because of the large amount of excess baggage being brought in by the group, Australian Customs searched the entire group.