His 75-year-old mother, an Auschwitz survivor, is too ill to travel.
A life of the author, chemist and Auschwitz survivor.
He was 29, a Jew in a sometimes inhospitable country, the son of an Auschwitz survivor.
On that visit he also brought his mother-in-law, an Auschwitz survivor, to meet the pope.
It hangs on him like the skin on an Auschwitz survivor, so much weight has he lost since we started.
He eventually travels to Berlin and meets the daughter of an Auschwitz survivor.
Dad said she looked like one of those pictures you see of Auschwitz survivors.
Because Gabriel was the only son of two Auschwitz survivors, and their scars were his.
He was forced to flee from Sudan in 1962 after being recognized by an Auschwitz survivor.
Later she was profoundly moved when she heard an Auschwitz survivor tell of his experiences.