Perhaps the people at Aunt Millie's party aren't important enough.
So you try, "Aunt Millie tells me you're redecorating your family room."
Aunt Millie went with her as chaperone, and kept her secret.
Sent up to bed in disgrace, she had left the house within the half-hour, taking refuge first with Aunt Millie.
But sadly there was no longer an Aunt Millie to run to.
She had a small legacy from Aunt Millie, but it was hidden away, waiting for when she married.
For those hurt by the uneven economy of the last few years, Aunt Millie's money may suddenly be the only game in town.
We can thank - "blame," Aunt Millie would surely say - science for this.
Neither will many of them return your money because Aunt Millie broke her leg and you've decided to stay home with her.
I'll tell you what Aunt Millie can do best.