More often than not, they asked Aunt Mabel or a neighbor.
Aunt Mabel told him, "That'll be one and a tanner" - a shilling and sixpence.
That professor who came to see Aunt Mabel when she was so ill..." Her voice faltered for a moment.
My Aunt Mabel and her husband had been asked by their best friend to sprinkle his ashes over Oyster Bay.
For years, the odd-lotters were heavy net sellers as they unloaded shares received from dividends, employee plans and Aunt Mabel's will.
This time, she bought a $189 round trip ticket at the last minute to see her Aunt Mabel, who is in a nursing home.
And yet he had been so kind when Aunt Mabel had been ill.
Aunt Mabel would have been vexed; so, too, would her two companions if they could hear her!
You'd like help in setting the right atmosphere to avoid the tense discussions on who should have inherited Aunt Mabel's tea set.
Surely she knows that when one is seeking out the best medical treatment, there are many avenues today other than asking "Aunt Mabel or a neighbor."