Audubon Centers help to forge lifelong connections between people and nature, developing stewards for conservation among young and diverse communities.
This is Williams, the naturalist at the Audubon Center.
It's the first Children's Film Festival at the Audubon Center, where families can observe animals and birds in the warmth of a theater.
The village features an Audubon Center overlooking the estuary.
A walk through the Audubon Center to observe the abundance of food in the wild.
Just over the Connecticut border, in north Greenwich, the Audubon Center is also having a deer problem.
At 5 p.m. counters and captains will return to the Audubon Center to turn in their results.
It is available at the Audubon Center on Riversville Road and in many bookstores for $15.
Mr. Baptist was the conservation director for the town of Greenwich for 19 years before joining the Audubon Center in 1997.
Turn right on Route 433 and continue 2.5 miles to the Audubon Center.