The notice should state that the data will be provided to Audit Scotland for this purpose.
This is one of the ways in which Audit Scotland meets its responsibility of promoting economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the use of public money.
Who can ask Audit Scotland to investigate something?
Enquiries should be directed via Audit Scotland.
This privacy notice tells you what to expect when Audit Scotland collects personal information and explains how we protect your privacy.
A further £21 million of outcomes have been identified following Audit Scotland's third biennial national fraud detection exercise.
Almost £10 million worth of fraud and errors have been identified following a national detection exercise by Audit Scotland working together with other public bodies.
A report by Audit Scotland, commissioned by the Scottish Government, confirmed that the cost projections were sound.
Here you can find press releases concerning Audit Scotland's work.
The work of Audit Scotland is governed by a board which meets around four times a year: the audits are managed by a management team.