Attendance at the convention has varied from 90 attendees in its first year to almost 400 people in later years.
Attendances at games during the home and away season vary from 300 to 2,000, while the grand final can draw in excess of 15,000 spectators.
Attendance varies typically from 50 to 150 citizens.
Attendance varied with the seasons, as in summer farm-workers' children tended to help more on the farm.
Attendance for Panthers games has varied from an average high of 59,197 people per game throughout the 2003 season to a low of 43,680 in 2007.
Attendance varied in later sessions from 2,100 to over 2,300.
Attendance varied according to job requirements and travel conditions of the students.
Attendance at our meeting varies considerably, between 75 to 150.
Attendance has varied from 2,000 to 7,000, depending on location.
Attendance varies from 25 to 100, with more people turning out to hear featured guests.