Scientists say they have measured a significant slowing in the Atlantic currents that carry warm water toward Northern Europe.
Atlantic currents, warmed by the Gulf Stream, bring mild winters; especially in the west where winters are wet and even more so over high ground.
Winters are cold compared with other coastal cities on the same latitude because the direction of the Atlantic currents are going east to Europe.
While the waters are typically clean and transparent, its temperatures are variable, owing to the influence of the Atlantic currents.
Any cooling driven by a weakening of the Atlantic current would probably only slow warming rather than cancel it out all together.
He learned that the Atlantic currents had washed ashore the body of a British soldier.
Strong Atlantic currents and unusual underwater topography conspire to produce a particularly intense tidal race in the Corryvreckan channel.
In an experiment designed to determine if Atlantic currents change substantially in northern regions during the severe Arctic winter.
Is it possible that our submarine prowlings and torpedoings have disturbed the Atlantic currents, or displaced the Spanish mainspring?
Atlantic currents were forced northward, and eventually settled into a new current pattern that we call the Gulf Stream today.