One or more works in the following Atlanta neighborhoods:
Evans' service as Imperial Wizard proved to be a lucrative position, allowing him to maintain a large residence in a prestigious Atlanta neighborhood.
The overall neighborhood plan is that of a gridiron, typical of many Atlanta neighborhoods.
Early this morning, a system train overshot the station platform and went off the track at the turnaround station in this eastern Atlanta suburban neighborhood.
Virginia Highland is one of many intown Atlanta neighborhoods characterized by commercial space of two sorts:
The route then continues on to the Atlanta neighborhood of Riverside, where the route curves to the northwest.
To further complicate matters, he lives in Buckhead, the posh Atlanta neighborhood that for years felt ill-used by the city.
Virginia-Highland, like most intown Atlanta neighborhoods, suffered decline starting in the 1960s as residents moved to the suburbs.
His first novel Them, dealing with issues of gentrification in an Atlanta neighborhood, was published in 2007.
Three college students drive to the new Bluff, an Atlanta neighborhood, intending to buy some drugs from a dealer.