Mr. Shultz, a 40-year-old Atlanta businessman, said Saturday night as he grimaced in pain at his high heels.
In 1984, an Atlanta businessman offered Crosby $700 a month for a cut in his future songwriting royalties.
Charles A. Collier, a prominent Atlanta businessman and former lawyer, was president of the company.
Last year a friend introduced her to Jack Delaigle, an Atlanta businessman who had worked in construction and hotel management.
Last year, he was brought in by three Atlanta businessmen who had purchased the land for Owl's Head.
The title, of course, also refers to the other "Deliverance," the best-selling novel about four Atlanta businessmen fighting for their lives in the Georgia wilderness.
The result: a book about an Atlanta businessman caught in debt.
In the early 1980s, Charles B. West, an Atlanta businessman, saw a void in mental illness treatment.
There, he will be reunited with an Atlanta businessman, Ron Blomberg, a name from the Yankees' past.
Sam Leccima is an Atlanta businessman who served as one of the show's second season stars.