But while the families discussed their concerns about the Atlanta bombing, they emphasized that they were still preoccupied by their own grief.
The authorities have said that evidence supports the theory that the three Atlanta bombings "may be the work of the same person or persons."
Mr. Clinton got off to a good beginning with his resolute comments and quick tactical reaction to the Atlanta bombing.
Some of those affected by the Atlanta bombings said they were not disappointed about having to wait.
The task force investigating the Atlanta bombings has held several news conferences in the last 10 months to seek the public's help.
The authorities have accused an abortion opponent from North Carolina, Eric Rudolph, of the 1996 Atlanta bombing.
The Republicans wouldn't consider even this; two months after the Atlanta bombing, they tabled a Democratic amendment to fund the study, by a vote of 57-42.
Would the provisions for taggants and wiretaps have prevented the Atlanta bombing?
The Atlanta bombing was seen, at the time and since, as the likely work of domestic terrorists.
"It makes me wonder what to possibly expect, and I feel like I'm not prepared for any of it," she said of the Atlanta bombing.