Socrates, Athenian philosopher (approximate date) (d. 399 BC)
In fact most of the most famous Athenian philosophers and writers were critics and opponents of the democracy.
What had the Athenian philosopher said?
Socrates, Athenian philosopher (d. 399 BC)
Antisthenes, Athenian philosopher (d. c. 365 BC)
Polemarchus or Polemarch (5th century-404 BCE) was an ancient Athenian philosopher from the Piraeus.
How do the Athenian philosophers explain the sun?
Antisthenes, Athenian philosopher (b. c. 445 BC)
The speaker Socrates is, of course, identical with the well-known Athenian philosopher.
The Platonic solids, the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron, were thought by Plato, the Athenian philosopher, to have universal significance.