For the 300 or so residents of the Astor Court, the battle was also in vain.
The Astor Court and the galleries for Chinese paintings were completed in 1981.
The concert will be held at the Astor Court and in case of rain there will be an indoor site.
Tea time found us in the Astor Court, another new room adjacent to the lobby.
The pool is one part of the $6.7 million renovation of Astor Court, which dates to the zoo's early years.
Astor Court is being renovated in stages, with different dates for completion.
Mrs. Cooper, the board president, moved to the Astor Court in December 1985, a month after it went co-op.
At Astor Court, surrounded by several landmark buildings, is the Madagascar exhibit, which opened in June 2008.
The Astor Court opened in June 1980.
Outside the King Cole Bar is Astor Court, where tea will be served each day.