However, the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, continued strong federal involvement in both highways and mass transit.
This Act is separate from, and should not be confused with, the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954.
Congress will decide whether to let states permit heavier trucks on the road when it reauthorizes the Surface Transportation Assistance Act this year.
(See section 42 of the National Assistance Act 1948.)
Kolleg students can be eligible for financial aid as regulated in the German Federal Training Assistance Act, Berufsausbildungsförderungsgesetz.
Furthermore in 2002 U.S. Congress modified the section on endangered species of the previously amended Foreign Assistance Act.
The 1978 Surface Transportation Assistance Act made funding for rideshare initiatives permanent.
The 1982 Surface Transportation Assistance Act mandated that a some 11% of the Highway Trust Fund should be used for mass transit schemes.
Eisenhower signed the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act in July 1954, allowing developing countries to buy those surpluses on long-term credits.
The House last week passed a version of the bill, the Surface Transportation Assistance Act, but the measure was still awaiting Senate action.