Yesterday, the Assembly representative, Assemblywoman Catherine T. Nolan, a Queens Democrat, vetoed $300 million in proposed changes to the $9.1 billion, 1992-96 capital program, with Mr. Silver's blessing.
A statement specifying the Founders' Assembly representative authorized to conduct foundation procedures.
But, the greatest obstacle was the limited experience, confidence and education of the average Assembly representative regardless of party.
The Assembly representative on the panel, Katherine Nolan, from Queens, wanted safety installations along the freight tracks.
This followed the deregistration of 17 parties in January and the disqualification of 15 People's Assembly representatives from the NLD.
Constitutional talks between Legislative Assembly representatives and the Colonial Office were held from 1956 to 1958, and Singapore gained full internal self-government in 1959.
The Common Assembly representatives were to be national MPs delegated each year by their Parliaments to the Assembly, or directly elected 'by universal suffrage' (article 21).
The new legislation added to the grounds on which a People's Assembly representative could be disqualified or banned from standing for future election.
Last September, both the Senate and the Assembly representatives vetoed the plan.
In August 2007, Bala Kuta of the All Nigeria Peoples Party, a National House of Assembly representative, pledged to help with the dam project.