Government: Presidential system backed by unicameral (one chamber) National Assembly of 299 members elected for 4 years.
There is a Federal Assembly of 42 members, elected by universal adult suffrage for a five-year term.
French Polynesia has a Territorial Assembly of 41 members, elected by universal suffrage for up to five years.
The Assembly of 9 members was incorporated in New Mexico in 1964.
The islanders elected an Assembly of 40 members, who advised the British High Commissioner.
Gujarat is governed by a Legislative Assembly of 182 members.
Founded in 1991 in Zadar, with an Assembly of around 500 members.
One suggested reform was to transform the Legislative Council into an Assembly of 32 members, of whom 25 would be elected.
In 1979 this became a House of Assembly of 18 elected members, which was dissolved in 1986.
Under the Government of India Act 1935, the Council was expanded into an Assembly of 108 members, with even more powers.