At the last sitting of the before the 1874 election, the Assembly debated both a proposed amendment to the Common Schools Act, and a motion abjuring federal interference in the province's schools.
The Assembly debated a number of major amendments to the country's 1980 Constitution.
The Assembly debated into the evening before voting 71-8 to approve the 20 percent credit and the 4 percent limit on local property tax increases.
The 1979 local Assemblies throughout the country debated Libya's relations with Malta; they were to advise on the question whether Libya should give economic aid to her ally.
On Thursday, the Assembly debated for five and a half hours and then finally passed a bill that would establish universal health care in New York State.
The Assembly has been debating rules changes and reform measures of its own.
From May to December, the Assembly eloquently debated academic topics while conservatives swiftly moved against the reformers.
The Assembly will debate a new constitution drafted by a Government-appointed committee.
The other went unnoticed: The Assembly actually debated a bill that tried to address, in some small way, the leap in obesity and Type 2 diabetes.
The Assembly convened on 1 January 2002, and debated extensively before designating Senator Eduardo Duhalde as President almost at midnight.