All strangers of Asiatic origin are commanded to leave the province within twenty-four hours.
It only concerned foreigners of Asiatic origin, but these could do nothing but pack up their merchandise and go back the way they came.
The governor's proclamation did not concern these two news-hunters, as they were neither Russians nor foreigners of Asiatic origin.
The word jangada brings this Asiatic origin.
According to accounts, the following day a person unknown to residents purchased both items for "a large sum of money", declaring them "of Asiatic origin".
He was determined to find the plant in the Iroquois culture so that he would have partial proof of their Asiatic origin.
Minivet was named after the minivet, a type of cuckoo shrike of Asiatic origin.
Native Americans, the indigenous people of Oceania and perhaps other people of Asiatic origin are susceptible.
It is believed to be of Asiatic origin, but no one knows how it came to the eastern United States.
Believed to be of Asiatic origin, the insect may have made its way to the eastern United States on the twig of an imported plant.