While the flowers grown here are smaller than the Southeast Asian variety, they go through three growing cycles a year instead of one.
Asian ornamental varieties were imported into the United States and Great Britain in the late 1800s.
The vast majority of magnolias in my town and throughout much of the northeast are Asian varieties that flower before their leaves unfurl.
Unlike domestic ladybugs, the multicolored Asian variety likes to keep its polka dots indoors in the winter.
Unlike the domestic ladybug, the Asian variety leaves a yellow stain.
In the Asian variety, the whole body of the mesonotum is yellowish with strong, visible dark lines.
Asian varieties of these scripts later developed.
Asian varieties are poorly adapted to African conditions as their cultivation requires abundant water.
In traditional Chinese medicine, American ginseng is considered less stimulating than the Asian variety.
Except for Seckel and all Asian varieties, pears turn mushy and brown if left on the tree until ready to eat.