These were mainly descendants of Central Asian traders who had settled in the cities of Manchuria.
Given its proximity to the Chinese and Indian borders, the road to Mandalay is well traveled by Asian traders.
Many of the Asian traders who saw the attack wouldn't be interviewed for fear of reprisals.
Last year, China was the dominant Asian trader.
Additionally, the tariff system in Uganda had historically been oriented toward the economic interests of Asian traders.
The number of farmers involved rose exponentially as the co-operatives made the profits that the Asian traders had previously made.
The stores are operated mainly by Asian traders, who dominate the economy in Nairobi, a state of affairs that causes considerable resentment among Africans.
During pre-Spanish times, the natives already enjoyed commerce with Asian traders.
This was because Southeast Asian traders preferred the free port of Singapore to other major regional ports which had cumbersome restrictions.
This guild was defined by Y.Subbarayalu as a "body of west asian traders".