Who helped set the pattern of campaign money-laundering later applied so effectively to Asian sources?
Similar instruments occur in ancient Chinese music, probably diffused from the same Central Asian sources.
"We're enthusiastic about the ability of local manufacturers to be reasonably competitive with Asian sources," Mr. Olsoff said.
One of them is, How do you explain the obsession with fund raising, especially from dubious Asian sources?
Its origins are obscure, deriving perhaps from an older Egyptian tradition, or possibly from an Asian source.
The haunting group of carved wood masks from the Pacific Northwest, redolent of their Asian sources, will never again be used for dancing or healing.
Of course, Asian sources and opinions also had an influence.
Thus the format of satitherapy includes theoretical knowledge and therapeutic skills from both Western and Asian sources.
But by no means are all of Mr. Marden's sources Asian.
Mari Eastman's wryly beautiful paintings expand the cultural mélange to include European luxury and its Asian sources.