If you're in a major city, check out Chinatown or an Asian neighborhood; smaller towns may have Asian food markets instead.
Like several vegetarian restaurants in this South Asian neighborhood, it is kosher.
They sell it in Asian neighborhoods in Lowell for $1.25 a pound.
In the movie's nastiest moment Ari, while driving with friends through an Asian neighborhood, impulsively hurls ethnic abuse out the car window.
Thousands of other immigrant families live in the neighborhood - mostly Asian and Hispanic.
Finally, at the southern end of the line, in the Asian neighborhood known as the International District, are symbols, on the floor, from the Chinese calendar.
On college campuses, away from the Asian immigrant neighborhoods of Queens, ethnic distinctions seem to matter less and less.
He and his wife said they were afraid to go into the heart of the Asian neighborhoods.
Mr. Khan said the arrests put a spotlight on the lack of government services in the South Asian neighborhoods.
So the Mayor concentrated his heaviest campaigning in the more traditionally conservative Asian neighborhoods.