A visit to a Chinese pharmacy, an herbal tea shop, and a supermarket stocked with Asian goods.
Asian and Western goods still fetch fabulous prices on the Soviet black market.
The situation has also contributed to a boom for companies that transport Asian goods to market.
In 1789, foreign vessels were given permission to transport Asian goods to the port of Manila.
Japan is a major purchaser of Asian goods, so its downturn is an enormous weight on the region.
Asian and Arabic goods could be found in abundance in the kingdom.
Yet for all the benefits to consumers, is the American political system really prepared to accept a deluge of Asian goods?
"Over the next couple of quarters, the impact of cheaper Asian goods and slowing demand is going to show up in the earnings."
But the weakening dollar makes Asian goods more expensive when they reach their most important market, the United States, which may damp demand for them.
You'll see it on the icon parade though on many cheap Asian goods (as badges of honor).