Frick Collection To see other new Brooklyn arrivals you'll have to make your way to the Asian galleries and beyond.
Although the piece is Mayan, it would not look out of place in the nearby Asian galleries.
The evening begins at 6 with treasure hunts in the Asian galleries and other activities, including the making of lion masks and other art projects.
On his watch some superb collections came into the museum, and permanent Asian galleries gradually materialized, many carved out of space once reserved for blockbuster shows.
He regularly monitors his audience by spending time in the Asian galleries to watch people looking at art.
They are in the museum's permanent third floor Asian galleries, and it takes a circuitous walk and elevator ride to reach them.
If beauty were so self-evident, the South Asian galleries in every museum would be jammed with eager visitors all the time.
Modern and contemporary art from top European, American, Australian and Asian galleries.
In the Southeast Asian galleries, look for red.
The East Asian galleries open to the public on 3 June.