The menu changes, but it's always Asian fusion, with savory fish in rich tropical sauces the highlight.
The food is Asian fusion and the laksas go down a treat - followed up of course with an irresistible chocolate brownie.
But the menu is a similar mix of reasonably priced Asian fusion cuisine.
The menu, with its hints of Asian fusion, is short, simple yet with plenty of variety.
It's a place you want to root for, because its hearty French fare goes against the grain of all the Asian fusion around it.
The hearty Provençal food goes against the grain of all the Asian fusion around it.
Hmm, no, we really haven't run anything lately on Asian fusion.
I'm trying to think, just personally, you know, if there are any new hot Asian fusion places.
Although Asian fusion is all the rage outside Japan, it's still catching on in Tokyo.
The cuisine is best described as Asian fusion with tea somehow worked into almost every dish.