Whilst the banks could use their political clout to achieve a better settlement, local Asian firms which had none of the same sort of leverage were left deeply unhappy, and many threatened to leave.
Are Asian firms finding more supply chain value?
We hear why Asian firms are better at surviving the recession.
On August 1, 2011 Hewlett Packard issued a press release showing their recycling process involves a partnership with an Asian firm that reuses plastic collected from the empty cartridges.
In 2002, there were over 223,000 Asian Indian-owned firms in the U.S., employing more than 610,000 workers, and generating more than $88 billion in revenue.
Total employment grew by 11 percent among Hispanic owned firms, by 5 percent among African American owned firms, and by 2 percent among Asian firms.
Industry leaders like Cincinnati Milacron and Cross & Trecker managed to cushion the financial damage by signing agreements to import and distribute equipment made by Asian firms.
But in doing business with the Soviet Union, American companies have a lot of competition from European and Asian firms.
Some investment bankers and analysts said the proposed deal could be the beginning of a broader consolidation movement involving European, Asian and American firms seeking to increase their financial strength and distribution networks.
The sales activity by Asian firms, like all sales in the 11-county northern New Jersey market, is undergoing an adjustment in the aftermath of the stock market's roller-coaster ride in recent weeks.