The racial makeup of the town was 98.77% White, 0.41% Asian, and 0.82% from two or more races.
The racial makeup of the city was 98.07% White, 0.64% Asian, and 1.29% from two or more race.
The racial makeup of the town was 94.4% White, 1.0% Asian, and 4.6% from two or more races.
The racial makeup of the city was 97.48% White, 0.42% Asian, and 2.10% from two or more races.
The racial makeup of the city was 99.05% White, 0.19% Asian, and 0.76% from two or more races.
The racial makeup of the city was 98.06% White, 1.70% Asian, and 0.24% from two or more races.
The racial makeup of the city was 99.79% White, 0.04% Asian, and 0.17% from two or more races.
The racial makeup of the city was 95.65% White, 1.09% Asian, and 3.26% from two or more races.
The racial makeup of the city was 98.68% White, 0.33% Asian, and 0.99% from two or more races.
The racial makeup of the city was 75.0% White, 8.3% Asian, and 16.7% from two or more races.