The wedding was criticised by a writer for Asian Image, who said "With so much resources at hand they couldn't even get a Muslim wedding right.
In 1973, the AAFM published a booklet entitled Stereotypes and Realities: The Asian Image in the United States.
Southeast Asian Images in Stone and Terra Cotta.
Previous installments have included "Asian Images on Film" in 2008, "Native American Images on Film" in 2010, "Black Images on Film" in 2006 "Latino Images on Film" in 2009 and "Arab Images on Film" in 2011.
"Southeast Asian Images in Stone and Terracotta," "Courtly Arts of the Indian Subcontinent" and "The Ancient Buddhist Kingdoms of South Asia."
Actress Casey Lee balances family life with her career - Asian Image.
Asian Images in Film Introduction.
"Southeast Asian Images in Stone and Terracotta."
She is a columnist for Asian Image.
Renee Tajima Reads Asian Images in American Film: Charlie Chan Go Home!