The Army has reacted to them with hostility.
In July, the last time there was a sit-in on Tahrir Square, the Army did not react for more than a week.
The way the Army reacted to the insurgency was not perfect.
How would the Army react?
And the Army was reacting as armies always reacted.
This is when Austro-Hungarian Army reacted and sent Ogulin Regiment to deal with rebells.
The PIRA had studied how the Army reacted after a bombing and correctly guessed that they would set up an incident command point in the nearby gatehouse.
The Italian Army reacted with brutal repression, which included war crimes against the civilian population, including summary executions of civilians and destruction of whole villages.
Improve strategic agility An Army with large, inflexible units that take months to deploy can't react quickly enough or deal with all of the problems at hand.
So when allegations of sexual misconduct surfaced a few years later at the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Aberdeen, Md., the Army reacted swiftly and harshly.