Spinning a tale of what they characterized as "pure, unmitigated evil," prosecutors began their effort today to win death penalty convictions of a pair of former Army privates who are charged with randomly killing a black couple on a dark Fayetteville street in December 1995.
When the British withdrew, many of the Sepoys (Army privates) mutinied and refused to leave.
Army privates are allotted 5,000 rubles (about 70 cents) a day for food.
He was given complete authority to design the training of Army privates, non-commissioned officers, and officers at the school, which was initially run on a shoestring.
But the bond between him and the collection of cabdrivers, bread delivery men, hospital boiler room mechanics, driveway paving contractors, teachers and Army privates who were his teammates is still alive.
Women are now to be found in every branch, serving as everything from Army privates to Air Force pilots.
He scolded her in front of the child the way he had once dressed down city-born Army privates.
A few months after Pearl Harbor, both men were Army privates, ordered to report for detached duty on a secret project with Dr. Lytle S. Adams.
The great majority of prisoners at Fort Jefferson were Army privates whose most common transgression had been desertion, while the most frequent transgression for the civilian prisoners was robbery.