The Army of Tennessee was reorganized again, and Hill was left without a command.
In October the same year, the Spanish Republican Army was reorganized.
During that period of time the Romanian Army was being reorganized and such attacks were more or less successful.
When the Army was reorganized on June 1, 1821, he became commander of the 3rd Artillery Regiment.
The Army of Northern Virginia was reorganized after Jackson's death.
In 1808 Regular Army was reorganized to meet the growing threat posed by the Indian nations living on the western boundaries of the United States.
In October 1862 the Army of the Potomac was reorganized.
After the war the Polish Army was reorganized into six (later seven) military districts.
The Army was subsequently reorganized and continued to fight on the Eastern Front, including in the Battle of Bautzen.
A month after the invasion in March 1806, the Army of Naples was reorganized into three corps.