Unlike their Army counterparts, however, they left with the added burden of wondering how nine months of military duty would affect their civilian careers.
Another possible factor was that naval officers had more foreign experience than their Army counterparts and understood more of foreign affairs.
These ranks would return in 1972, this time similar to their Army counterparts, and not as the RN did before.
His Army counterpart, General Vouno, said: "Vietnam taught me that our soldiers can accomplish any military task given them.
These were organized much the same as their Army counterparts.
SEAL Team Six would be the Navy's premier counter-terrorist unit, like its Army counterpart Delta Force.
His "down-to-earth, old shoe" personality helped soothe relations with Army counterparts on the Joint Army and Navy Board.
Since 1974, 96th ARCOM units have trained with their regular Army counterparts throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia.
He had a poor working arrangement with his Army counterpart, General Short, who was charged with defending the fleet.