Estimates of casualty figures are uncertain and varied: 500 to 20,000-30,000 Armenian victims - and destruction of many buildings in Shusha.
There are more than 30 memorials to Armenian victims across France.
The official investigation reported 32 deaths - 6 Azerbaijanis and 26 Armenians, while the US Library of Congress places the number of Armenian victims at over 100.
But for the Armenian victims, and for most of the Soviet public, the distinction between the would-be democrats and the pillaging mob has been lost.
The group played a benefit concert for Armenian victims of genocide in 2004.
In Lyon, French youths protesting the law clashed with Turks demonstrating against the construction of a memorial to Armenian victims of a 1915 massacre, Reuters reported.
We should not forget that at all stages of the tragic conflicts in the Caucasus, there have been victims of the Armenians as well as Armenian victims.
He presided over the Aid Committee for Armenian victims, refugees and wounded soldiers and their families.
Thomas de Waal has called this pogrom the first part of "Black January" a tragedy with about 90 Armenian victims.
The Government of Turkey did not report identifying any victims from Armenia in 2007, but Armenian victims have been identified and assisted in previous reporting periods.