He is a darkly good-looking man, the only child of a Jewish father, who died when the boy was 7, and an Armenian mother.
Djorkaeff was born to a Kalmyk-Polish father and an Armenian mother in Lyon.
Şyhmyradow was born in Ashgabat to an Armenian mother and Turkmen father.
He is the son of an Armenian immigrant mother and second generation Armenian-Irish-American father from Rhode Island.
Agase was born in Chicago, Illinois to an Assyrian father and an Armenian mother.
She was born to an Egyptian father and an Armenian mother.
Selezneva was born July 29, 1990 in Moscow to a Russian father and an Armenian mother.
He was born in Istanbul to a Syrian Catholic father and an Armenian mother.
She was born to a Lebanese father and an Armenian mother and has a younger brother.
His mother was a fabulous cook, the way Armenian mothers tend to be.