She was in intensive care at Arlington Hospital, where she died the next day.
Williams, 34 years old, has been in traction at Arlington (Va.) Hospital.
The hospital was important because other hospitals in the area (such as Arlington Hospital) refused to help African-American women having babies.
William F. Bolger, the nation's Postmaster General from 1978 to 1984, died yesterday at Arlington Hospital.
She was until recently a chief resident in internal medicine at Arlington (Va.) Hospital.
The next day, he underwent hip replacement surgery at Arlington Hospital in Arlington, Virginia, but he never fully recovered.
He died on November 8, 1978 at Arlington Hospital in Arlington, Virginia.
Following a stroke, she died at Arlington Hospital, Virginia.
His father, an Episcopal minister, is the chaplain at Arlington (Va.) Hospital.
Bergen spent 21 days at Arlington Hospital after he was pulled from the rubble and for nine of those days, he was in a coma.