The bridge, about 35 miles west of the Arkansas border, typically carries 20,000 vehicles a day, Governor Keating said.
He and his wife, Christie, live in Westville, a few miles from the Arkansas border, and have three children.
The eye passed just west of Downtown Shreveport before crossing the Arkansas border.
The two nations objected strongly, and in 1828 a new survey redefined the western Arkansas border.
Marmaduke was followed by Federal forces, but no contact was made before crossing the Arkansas border.
Both remain concurrent, until the highway ends at the Arkansas border.
It is located seven miles southeast of Gainesville and 2.15 miles north of the Arkansas border.
Interstate 55 enters Missouri at the Arkansas border near Cooter.
He has pushed to fund completion of Interstate 49 from Shreveport to the Arkansas border.
Washburn is in southwest Missouri, only nine miles from the Arkansas border.