Last month the grand jury in Little Rock indicted a former Arkansas banker who lent Mr. Clinton money for the 1990 race.
Even before the election, the association named as its new president William Brandon, an Arkansas banker who has known Mr. Clinton for many years.
JULY 7, 1996 - President Clinton gives a sworn deposition in the trial of two Arkansas bankers charged with making illegal donations to his 1990 campaign for governor.
She married an Arkansas banker named Clark.
David Hale is a former Arkansas municipal judge and former Arkansas banker.
An Arkansas banker pleaded not guilty today to Federal banking law charges stemming from Bill Clinton's 1990 campaign for governor.
Three more witnesses today described the circumstances surrounding a 1990 meeting at which an Arkansas banker, prosecutors say, handed then-Gov.
On June 17, two Arkansas bankers appointed to patronage jobs by Gov. Bill Clinton will go on trial for laundering money in his 1990 gubernatorial campaign.
David Hale is a former Arkansas municipal judge, a former Arkansas banker, Bill Clinton political supporter and a witness in the Whitewater scandal trials.
The meeting is an important episode in the Whitewater independent counsel's case against the two Arkansas bankers, Robert M. Hill and Herby Branscum Jr.