"We don't need soap operas," Louis Rhodes, executive director of the Arizona chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, said recently.
In 1995, the Arizona chapter of the American Cancer Society was targeted for its extremely high overhead.
In 1937 founded the Arizona chapter of the American Institute of Architects and in 1968 named an AIA Fellow.
During this time, he was instrumental in founding the Arizona chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism.
"At first, I was terrified of him," said Jan Lee Sproat, executive director of the Arizona chapter of the foundation.
Arizona chapter of the Nature Conservancy (site is now managed by Ramsey Ranch location)
Patterson also served as president of the Arizona chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians.
He has served as a past President for both the Arizona chapter of Young Entrepreneurs' Organization and the Greater Phoenix Economic Club.
In October 2000, after an absence of more than 20 years, the Jewish Defense League once again had an Arizona chapter.
Sakas is passionate about community involvement and has volunteered with a number of organizations, using her title to advance worthy causes, particularly the Arizona chapter of Habitat for Humanity.