Motion and change are closely related in Aristotelian physics.
Galileo identified some basic problems with Aristotelian physics through his experiments.
Aristotelian physics was to some extent quite successful.
But eventually Aristotelian physics was falsified in a number of ways.
This separation was held to be part of Aristotelian physics for many centuries after.
According to Aristotelian physics and metaphysics, causation can be divided into formal, material, efficient and final causes.
It also required a feat of imagination that was exceedingly difficult for those imbued with Aristotelian physics.
Leibniz also incorporated terms from Aristotelian physics, but now being used in a new non-teleological way, for example "energy" and "potential".
His work was an important step away from Aristotelian physics and towards an independent astronomical physics.
Based on Aristotelian physics, Scholastic physics described things as moving according to their essential nature.