In the morning, Mr. Fisher's body was discovered near the curb of Argyle Road.
The shooting took place about 9:15 P.M. inside 52 Argyle Road in the Flatbush section.
Less than two hours later, he was shot to death and dumped on Argyle Road, blocks from the party.
Others went out and, as the police arrived, found the man sprawled face down on a sidewalk outside 150 Argyle Road.
He took me round that blooming Argyle Road three times.
Four and a half miles shy of Hoedspruit, turn right onto Argyle Road toward Eastgate Airport.
Around 6:30 a.m., sleeping residents on Argyle Road, two blocks away, were awakened by loud claps outside in the dark.
He told her he had been to her apartment on Argyle Road and taken her clothing.
In addition, he told investigators that he also purchased skins from the dealer on Argyle Road.
At 51-55 Argyle Road, Dwight Fleming's walkie-talkie was broken, but he reported that it was a quiet night.