But after several articles about his background recently appeared in the Argentine press, he reportedly asked Mr. Tudjman to withdraw his nomination.
Marengo love life is frequently covered by the Argentine press and has contributed to her high profile.
The Argentine press started reporting sightings of strange lights coming from Laguna del Pescado lake.
Videla's sworn aim was to crush the guerrilla movements and restore social order, and much of the Argentine press and public gave their support.
The Argentine press reported that Cuban expatriates were attempting to contact athletes here in an attempt to induce them to defect.
In November 1968, Miguel Fitzgerald was hired by the Argentine press to attempt a reprise of his 1964 landing.
Because she substituted Ximena Capristo in that play, rumors about a rivalry between the two stars began surfacing on the Argentine press.
Cabré is also a regular feature in Argentine press, and his off-screen life is widely reported.
Some observers fear that the Argentine press and Government may be racing to conclusions too fast.
The match ended in a 1-1 draw, but Slater's midfield performance caught the attention of the Argentine press and the team.