He was one of the firsts solo to introduce the so-called "Romantic Folk", mix of traditional Argentine music and melodic songs.
The songs were of nostalgia and difficult love, the two great common denominators of Argentine music.
The gato is a style of Argentine music and the associated dance.
Argentine electronic music experienced a surge of popularity in the 1990s.
We'll be looking at Brazilian music, Argentine music, Venezuelan music and so on.
It is a style of Argentine music and Argentine folk dance.
She gives Argentine music a central place in her performing repertoire, and in her recordings.
Alberto Williams, the "father of Argentine music," died in Buenos Aires in 1952, at age 89.
Finnish popular music also includes various kinds of dance music; tango, a style of Argentine music, is also popular.
They were three of the leaders of Argentine young music during the 1980s.