In the Arbor Hills 70 villages were destroyed with 156 casualties due to landslides.
The historic mansion still stands in Arbor Hill more than 200 years later.
Residents of that neighborhood often moved to Arbor Hill after they had made some money.
Later in the decade, urban renewal efforts began to target Arbor Hill.
Priority went to former residents of Arbor Hill, families, and those who demonstrated an eagerness to participate in the community.
Later known as "Arbor Hill", it gave the current neighborhood its name.
He was interred in the private burying ground at "Arbor Hill," the estate of his father.
After all, few students at Arbor Hill had even graduated from high school.
Complaints about the search in the neighborhood, Arbor Hill, drew quick responses.
The post office at Arbor Hill was established in 1857.