Some words in common use, such as "intention" and "information", were originally calques of Arabic philosophical terms.
"Maalesh," said friends who heard the story, using an Arabic term that translates roughly as "never mind."
Dīn, an Arabic term meaning "religion" or "way of life"
Literally it is an Arabic term which means "to watch over", "to take care of", or "to keep an eye".
This Arabic term, documented from the 11th century on, evolved in two ways.
In any case, it had become an Arabic term by Muhammad's lifetime.
On the other hand, translating various Arabic terms as 'magic' causes another set of problems with no clear answers.
The Arabic term for veterinary medicine is named after him.
It is also the Arabic term for an eagle's chick.
"We love him because he's a mujahid," he said, using the Arabic term for a holy warrior.