Arabic scholars like Ibn Khaldun have been a very important source of historical accounts from this area and period.
The time spent in these areas would help explain his fascination with mathematics and his access to Arabic scholars.
Biblical experts, Arabic scholars, gentle- men of broad interests.
The following is a precis of different Arabic scholars' views as given in Khizanat al-Adab.
He obtained an exaggerated reputation as an Arabic scholar, and played a minor part in the political movements of his time.
His father, Menachem, was a renowned Arabic scholar.
It was first described by wandering Arabic scholars in the 11th century.
His Kitab al-Badi, which was also composed at this time, laid the groundwork for future studies of poetry by Arabic scholars.
The document had already been translated by six Arabic scholars from six universities within fifty miles of where he was soaking.